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Old 02-11-2021, 01:06 AM   #29
Join Date: Jun 2008
Default Re: Ludicrous question of the day: drivers in sidecars?

Originally Posted by kjamma4 View Post
In my mind, most of the controls in CW are more hybrid mechanical/video game controls[*] rather than the mostly mechanical as in 1980's vehicles.
This is supported by remote control receivers taking up no space and weight and being able to fully control all driving and gunner functions. With no-one in the vehicle you are relying on cameras and servos etc. This indicates that all this is part of the chassis by default.

When actually in the car you get slightly better feedback through screeching tires, G-forces and the vibrations from rounds hitting the vehicle (hence the . You probably have transparent armour sections to see out as well. Gunners do not rely on actually seeing the vehicle with the naked eye or IR targeting systems would be redundant as you would use IR goggles instead.

Autopilot and Computer Gunners take no space and therefore all the systems required to control the vehicle and weapons systems are part of the chassis.

Tellingly autopilot is available for a cycle-sidecar combination (presumably because a stationary bike will fall over). If you can control a bike without allocating space for driver controls, you could operate it from a sidecar instead.

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