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Old 09-29-2012, 02:46 PM   #1
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Default [RPM] Various Questions on Ritual Path Magic

So, I'm gearing up to potentially employ Monster Hunters' Ritual Path Magic system in an upcoming pseudo-DF game. However, this being my first exposure to RPM, there are a number of questions that I'm running across and/or elements of the system I don't feel that I quite understand. Any assistance from the collective mind would be much appreciated, as always.

1) Spell Resistance
For direct-target spells, "Every potential subject who is not a willing participant resists with the better of his HT or Will, plus any Magic Resistance."

Does this mean that, assuming a Malediction-type spell that doesn't allow an active defense, all spells are resisted straight-up against HT or Will? Are there any modifiers the caster can apply that can make that resistance roll easier or more difficult?

For example, let's say I wanted a spell to briefly stun a target: Lesser Control Mind (+5), Range up to 20 yards (+6), Subject Weight 300 lbs (+3), for a total energy cost of [14 Energy]. So I cast the spell, and off it goes, and the beefy, HT 14 target just goes out and rolls a 13, then smashes my head in with a mace.

Surely there must be some option to give the target a penalty to their resistance roll? I don't see anything in the Modifiers section, but it seems like it should be a pretty obvious option.
2) RPM and the DF Bard
Bards, that icon of sword-and-sorcery games across many systems, use their magic through songs. How would one reflect this in the RPM system? Would Magery (Song, -40%) even exist, considering that Magery pretty much only exists to determine the effective skill cap and the mana reserve? What about Ritual Adept (Song, -40%)? Would that mean that the spellcaster can enjoy the benefits of Ritual Adept as long as he's singing, but is treated as a non-adept when he isn't?
3) "Ghost Sound"
One of the NPC adversaries in the d20 module I'm basing this campaign off of has the spell Ghost Sound. And I have no idea how to render this in the RPM system, or what its effects might be.

For constructing the actual spell, all I can come up with is Lesser Create Energy (+6) to fabricate the sound, Range up to 10 yards (+4), Duration up to 10 minutes (+1), for a total cost of [11 Energy].

But what happens then? How much sound does that actually create? How loud is it? How can I add and subtract energy to determine the sound's volume? If someone hears it, do they get any rolls to identify it as real or fake?

So, that's what I've got for now. Any input from the enlightened masses?

Last edited by Landwalker; 04-20-2015 at 08:54 AM.
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