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Old 12-14-2018, 06:57 AM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2008
Default Re: Was GURPS Autoduel a big thing?

I use it a lot (but you would probably guess that). I use both 1st and 2nd edition GURPS Autoduel for different reasons (1st edition is easier to tie into the tabletop version for example). Even as a scene setter for the new players it proved it's worth. I like GURPS because I can also use Traveller Far Trader for the economics, High and Ultra tech to add new toys, Cyberpunk for plots and the more sophisticated computer interaction etc.

I mostly play CW RP games as I no longer have any interest in any other type. After 2 hours RP we have usually advanced the story by a decent amount but after 2 hours of straight CW we will have moved 100 yards if we are lucky.

I don't actually use full GURPS, just a simplistic mechanic that is vaguely based on the 2 dice and pray system but used appropriately scaled modifiers from GURPS (I use 2-4th edition GURPS rules for a variety of reasons) and skills trees that fall out from the blocky CW skill system.

I didn't want to invest too much effort into it but by just pulling out rules as needed, I don't have to. By using GURPS Autoduel the majority of skills are pre-modified to fit the tabletop game.

I was planning a whole conversion of the tabletop characters to full GURPS versions, but in the end it didn't prove necessary. The stats were there to help drive the story, but we already have decent storytellers in the group.

In the end it was the somewhat digital way CW handles combat that killed the group rather than anything plot driven. To be fair though, I don't think we would have had the patience to learn the full GURPS combat mechanic and the vehicles rules would move us too far from CW. I have a way back, but I suspect that the campaign has run it's course.

Maybe I should write a book ;)

Last edited by swordtart; 12-14-2018 at 07:02 AM.
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