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Old 03-15-2012, 08:59 PM   #4
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Location: Yukon, OK
Default Re: Ceremonial Magic used to support an army.

Weather spells are probably top of the list. Even if they mostly dont do direct damage they are force multipliers that can help your side out.
Meta spells like Delay and Trigger are also good.
Animal spells can be very effective and I played a 150 point or so mage (started 100 but was pretty experienced by this time) mage who pretty much destroyed an army by himself using Animal, Earth, Meta and Illusion spells mostly.
He had some other things going on too but those were the staple.
Move and Shape earth help you fortify better and quickly, especially with earth to stone. A bit rough solo but if your camped and have to hold a pass or something they can be a great help to you.
Cuncussion is my favorite missile spell against massed troops. That stun can really assist your archers or Calvary as they swoop in.
Mostly your big effect on the battle will be before and after it.
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