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Old 04-29-2020, 05:58 AM   #1
Thökk's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2020
Default Alternate Modernity Settings and Worldbuilding Advice

A couple of questions:

1. Do you know of (any) GURPS Alternate Modern * settings?

2. Do you know any indepth Alternate Modern setting, worth checking out, that one would could convert into GURPS with care and dedication, but not too much pain?

3. What source books, GURPS or otherwise (RPG and otherwise [but something more specific, than "everything you'd find interesting about our history and world"]) you'd suggest?

4. Do you have any other advice, previous experience working on something like this or possibly worldbuilding notes, that you could share?

* Alternate Modern being a world, that looks a lot like ours, TL-wise and maybe similar culturally, but has moderate-to-significant deviations in history and potentially everything, ranging from geography to biology, barring anything overtly supernatural, but would still feel and be expected to behave a lot like our modern world would.

P.S. Cursory search didn't reveal a similar topic, but if you can point me towards one such, it would be much appreciated.
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