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Old 06-01-2018, 11:51 PM   #11
Prince Charon
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Join Date: Dec 2012
Default Re: [Psionics] 'Spirit Magic' as a psi ability

Another Gadget for this ability:

Ashen Wand (Breakable, DR2, -20%; SM-4, -15%; Can Be Stolen by ST, -30%) [9]
Galdr Magic (Cosmic Modular Abilities; Astral Projection, -10%; Only for Allies with Summonable and Minion, -50%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Nuisance Effect: Must sing the runes, -5%) 7 [18]
Serendipity (Probability Alteration, -10%; Unconscious Only, -20%, Uncontrollable, -10%) 1 [9]

This wand was made in the late 5th century CE, from the branch of an ash tree that was struck off by lightning, and empowered by a Saxon wizard who settled in northern Britain around that time. The full set of Anglo-Saxon runes are marked around its surface. The base skill is Symbol Drawing (Futhorc), but the caster must also sing the runes as he draws them in the air with the wand, for galdr comes from the word for singing (seidr uses chanting, instead, but is considered a womanly practice). The individual runes may be bought as techniques, but do not need to be. Other Futhark-related lexicons default to Symbol Drawing (Futhorc) at around -1 or -2.

On occasion, but especially in moments of great stress, the thoughtform will attempt to help the user, though not necessarily in a way that the user would wish for (e.g. a modern high school kid very nervous about a test she hasn't studied for might find that the school's sprinkler system gets set off, delaying the test but drenching her). In the absence of a wielder, the wand will use this ability to cause it to fall into the hands of someone who can and will use it (leaning toward 'will,' as it can arrange for that person to begin learning the runes after finding him). The wand is biased toward male users, but will accept a woman who has some 'masculine' traits (according to the Migration-era Saxons), or is taking on a traditionally-male role. The wand-spirit has no real loyalties beyond that.

Similar wands likely exist in the same setting, which may be the setting of the Books of Spirits, above.
Warning, I have the Distractible and Imaginative quirks in real life.

"The more corrupt a government, the more it legislates."
-- Tacitus

Five Earths, All in a Row. Updated 12/17/2022: Apocrypha: Bridges out of Time, Part I has been posted.
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