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Old 09-05-2019, 01:45 AM   #14
Steve Plambeck
Join Date: Jun 2019
Default Re: The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition expansions

Originally Posted by Senturian View Post
let's add in whether the target is running across the line of sight (Skeet shooting), towards or away.
Hmmm... running away means the target gets smaller the longer the shooter waits to fire (you could say that's already adjusted for by another -1 DX for every two megahexes the target has receded). And conversely a target running towards the shooter is growing bigger and getting easier to hit at the same rate -- but wait too long, and they could be attacking you if you don't bring them down with the first shot. So the rules do already offer something to cover both of those circumstances.

An entirely different system would be one where options would all get classified as "Actions" and "Reactions". "Actions" could only be executed on the turn to act as determined by adjDX. "Reactions" would be all things that could be taken out of turn, as warranted by circumstances. Then put "Releasing a ready arrow", or "Firing a Missile Weapon" under the list of available "Reactions". Of course some options could be classified both ways -- an archer could hold her shot until her turn by adjDX. Dodge and Defend could be classified as "Reactions" as well, since many (but not all) agree you don't have to declare using those options until the instant you come under attack, and you're free to change them if you didn't move too far to do so.

I picture a wizard facing a party armed with spears all 3 to 5 hexes away. The wizard is poised, holding his hand in the air, and he's just announced loudly that if anyone moves he's going to cast a Megahex Sleep spell on the lot of them. Okay, let's start the Turn. Players roll for initiative. The wizard loses the roll. The spearmen elect to move first, and so all charge attack. Strictly following the RAW, the wizard turns into a pin-cushion. The GM might allow that the wizard got off his Sleep spell, but the GM doesn't have to. No system is perfect :)
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