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Old 01-31-2018, 06:08 PM   #27
Ogre Line Editor
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Default Re: Supercavitating OGRE Weapons...

Originally Posted by TheAmishStig View Post
We're in agreement, have been the whole time. Lemme just get that out there now, before I ramble a bit about what my thought process was.
Oh, I totally get it. :-)

What's your (or anyone's) take on the implications of that wording in regards to bridge "endpoints" (for purposes of discussion, defined as any part of a bridge that is not a full hex thereof...the hexes on either side of a Stream Bridge, and the hexes bordering either end of a Large Bridge)?
This is actually easier to resolve than you might first think. The key lies in two things:

13.02.1 - States large bridges occupy all three hexes; specifically with respect to bridge destruction. Additionally, an attack by a unit in any of the three hexes gets an auto-destruct of the bridge.
13.04 - Specifically states a mine going off on a bridge hex destroys the bridge

Therefore, a mine that is actually on the "road" in any of those three hexes would be considered on the bridge as well. If it goes off, the bridge drops.

The only bookkeeping extra that I wonder about is if the road should also be cut if the mine is on one of the support hexes. I'm inclined to say yes, but...

A thought occurs. What if it's possible to state explicitly that the mine is on the bridge support or the road? In other words, on G1, mark the mine location in 2114 as 2114-B (bridge) or 2114-R (road). Spelling this out actually reinforces my original assertion, and here's why.

Mine locations are not that discreet. It doesn't work if you say it's 2114-B because that allows for movement into the hex, on the road, with no chance to trigger the mine. The rules are not built for that level of detail. You either move into the hex with a mine, or you don't. All movement results (terrain effects, etc) are based on when you move in (including mine detonation). Trying to enforce that separation causes issues with that methodology, especially since mines on a road immediately go off if a unit enters the hex at all along the road.
Ogre Line Editor
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