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Old 02-24-2013, 08:30 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2013
Default Need better understanding

Hi everyone,
A little intro, we are a board game guru family. We love to try new games and most of the time, we have a blast and really enjoy ourselves. After reading and hearing so much about Munchkin, I ran to the store on payday and got the deluxe version.

We were excited to crack this one open however we all hate it - all four of us :( And I'm well aware this can happen - I'm just disappointed!

There are some rules we are still confused with so I'm hoping that once we understand the game a little more, we will be able to tolerate another round and this time have the lightbulb glow and have smiles on our faces. Maybe...

So we understand that we take 4 cards from each deck at the beginning of the game (even though most youtube videos we've watched say 2 each). We also understand that we can only keep a maximum of 5 cards in our hand by the end of our turn (unless you're a dwarf) and that cards on the table that are NOT in use are turned sideways. We are also know we can sell these items.

I've got it so far??

What we don't understand is how to decide what to keep in our hand and what should go on the table. Do you place all of your one-time cards here? We ended up with 10+ cards on their sides each while keeping monsters and curses in our hands, (while none of the videos we watched even had 'carried' items) - by the time we are in the charity phase, we are all frustrated with what to do.

After you've kicked down the door, we have the option to 'loot the room' which means we take another 'door' card. Confusing. We assume these cards stay in our hands and DO NOT go to the table. Once we reach 6 cards in our hands, we have to start giving them away. WHAT'S THE POINT? I'm a level 4, DD is a level 3 so I give her a card which puts her over the limit so she ends up discarding it. Why didn't I just discard it myself??? The exchange of hands here is completely useless in my opinion so I'm obviously missing something.

Help! Please! This cannot be a flop...
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