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Old 02-09-2015, 06:21 PM   #6
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Default Re: Post Your Characters!

TL: 6?
Setting: Presidential Time-Stream Protection Agency (A... cinematic... setting of Col. Tick-tock style time-stream protection agencies featuring presidents of the united states. Founded by George Washington using the time machine Benjamin Franklin invented. The Presidents prevent temporal invasions that bring about catastrophes, and the Vice Presidents ensure that catastrophes that should happen, do.)
Genera: Nonsense.

Age: 61
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
Skin: White
Other Distinguishing Features: Left-handed, looks like a president.
Uniform: High-tech Ballistic suit disguised as a his 18th-century presidential garb.

Bio: Former President John Adams was a patriot and diplomat, a major author of the Constitution of the United States, and one of the most talented defense attorneys of all time. His defense resulted in the acquittal of the British Army soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre. Milliseconds before his death in 1826, he was chrono-duplicated, de-aged and rejuvenated to the peak of his abilities (61), and inducted into the Presidential Time-Stream Protection Agency, as in order to protect the timeline, only the men with iron-plated, bull-strong certified loyalty to the United States of America can be trusted with such important duties. Although the staff at the PTSPA have managed to trick him into accepting high-tech equipment, he remains much of an 18th-century man, although he has adopted a laser sight for his blunderbuss.

All of the characteristics below represent his historic traits and mindset perfectly*.

The character was written by the GM and later tweaked. He is definitely not normal.

St: 10 DX: 10
IQ: 15 HT: 10
Will: 19 Per: 13
HP: 10 FP: 10
Basic Speed: 5

Languages: American English (Native) [0]
Cultural Familiarity: Western, TL 6 (Native) [0]

Luck, Ridiculous (Nuisance: Reaction penalty -2 (Loudly argues legality of event to be decided) -10%, Usable once per 10 minutes real time.) [54]
Super Luck (Costs Fatigue 4 -20%, Nuisance: Reaction penalty -4 (Screams profanity-laden legal tirade regarding event to be decided) -20%) Dictate one die roll per hour of play. [60]
Charisma 1 [5]
Indomitable [15]

Enemy (Daniel Webster, equal individual [-10], Appears 6- (x0.5), Rival (x0.5)) [-2]
Intolerance (The French, common) [-5]
Stubbornness [-5]
Megalomania [-5]
OPH (Bellows "I AM THE LAW" given the slightest provocation, -2) [-10]
Pacifisim: Self-Defense Only [-15]
Overconfidence (CR: 6) [-10]
Skinny [-5]

Law (US Constitutional)-24 [40]
Captivate-19 [4]
Suggest-19 [4]
Persuade-19 [4]
Enthralment-21 [12]
Public Speaking-20 [14]
Judo-14 [24]
Riding (equine)-9 [1]
Guns/TL6 (Musket)-12 [4]
Writing-16 [4]
Piloting/TL6 (Glider)-10 [2]

Possesses a laser-sighted Blunderbuss, but otherwise relies on his rhetorical skill.

*Well, maybe slightly exaggerated.
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