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Old 07-04-2019, 09:36 AM   #4
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Default Re: TFT Character Tiers

Originally Posted by Tywyll View Post
I mean, sure, I guess you can do this. But TFT isn't a 'leveled' game, so I don't understand the desire to force it into that structure. It's a point buy game which allows multiple different character 'builds'. If there were certain combos that were absolutely OP, I could understand it. But Weapon Expert, Fencer, and Staff III aren't exactly game breaking.

Why not just cap IQ at 10 for starting characters? That seems to accomplish the same thing, and is much less work than going through every spell and talent and deciding what is a level 1, 2, or 3.
While I will admit that the proposed framework is 'level-like' in form, it's function is more organizational. On their own, the 'tiers' have no inherent qualities or benefits. They simply serve to manage character progression in a way that (hopefully) reinforces the heroic narrative... namely that certain milestones must be achieved before the hero can unlock their true potential.

Additionally, it still allows for a great variety of initial character builds. A goblin wizard with ST 8, DX 10 and IQ 16 is still a 'novice' (at the top end) as is the reptile-man with ST 14, DX 12 and IQ 8.
“No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.” -Vladimir Taltos
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