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Old 11-18-2018, 11:23 PM   #33
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Dealing with Demons

I'm sure a good book could be made...

Rather than the D&D-like approach of "here is THE list of the demons, and their stats, powers, and alignments...", I'd prefer one that was a toolkit that helps a GM make their own unique demon setup that suits their needs and that their players can discover in play.

Or, one that elaborates interestingly somehow on TFT-style demons rather than more Christian-like demons. That is, something that explains these curious non-denominational powerful creatures from another plane that can be summoned by non-denominational psychic spellcasting and that are resentful and tricky and are magical but can only teleport and bestow those weird wish things, and so on... what's their plane like, what makes them tick, do they have agendas, etc etc. and the answer is not: Hell, they're Evil, anti-angels, want your immortal soul, have the names of Christian medieval demons, etc.
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