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Old 06-13-2006, 05:56 AM   #1
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Default Partial Bionic Reconstruction

All right, this is for a high-powered campaign I've been thinking about. I just thought I'd share :) Most of the ideas are not terribly original and somewhat clichιd (sp?). Whatever, I like 'em.

Cyborg - Partial Reconstruction [+200]
With partial bionic reconstruction, the limbs are exhanged for cybernetics while vital organs are strengthened. Torso and head remain more or less organic.
There are many different ways to partially borg someone: You must choose the Basic Package along with one of the Lenses provided below.

Basic Package [+60]
+) Arms and Legs exchanged for cybernetics [-12]
No Fine Manipulators (Mitigator: Cyberarms DR3, HP as usual –80%) [–6]; Legless (Mitigator: Cyberlegs DR3, HP as usual –80%) [–6]
+) Vital Organs strengthened [+20]
DR4 (Skull Only –70%) [+6]; DR2 (Vitals Only –30%) [+7]; Hard to Kill 1 [+2]; +1 HP [+2]; +1 FP [+3]
+) Improved Servomotors [+52]
ST+2 (TD: Electrical –20%) [+16]; Enhanced Move: Ground 1 (TD: Electrical –20%) [+16]; Arm ST+5 (TD: Electrical –20%) [+20]

Available Lenses:
' Cyber-Humanoid
' Heavy Combat 'borg
' Ninja-Cyborg
' Mining-Borg
' Psyborg
' Null-Psyborg

a) Cyber-Humanoid [+140]
This option is more subtle than most cyborg options. The character still looks human and is therefore a capable infiltrator or agent.
Biocovering/Living Tissue Disguise [-7]
Appearance: Hideous (Mitigator: LTD, easily damaged, hard to repair, cannot be stolen –60%) [-7]
Improved Optical Systems [+52]
Night Vision 7 [+7]; Infravision [+10]; Ultravision [+10]; Telescopic Vision 2 [+10]; Protected Vision [+5]; Scanning Sense: Ladar (TD: Sessile -50%) [+10]
Comm-Unit [+20]
Telecommunication/Laser [+15]; Alt: Telecommunication/Radio [+2]; Alt: Telecommunication/Infrared [+2]; Neural Interface [+1]
Weapon Systems: Close Combat [+30]
Sharp Claws (Armor Divisor 2 +50%) [+8]; Strong Venom (Pow144) [+22]
Weapon Systems: Close Combat 2 [+30]
Affliction 3: HT-2 (Follow-Up on Punches +0%) [+30]
Improved Suspension [+15]
Double-Jointed [+15]

b) Heavy Combat 'borg [+140]
Well, yeah. You guessed it: this option is for those who like to kick ass.
Appearance: Monstrous [-20]
Armored Endoskeleton [+50]
DR5 [+25]; DR5 (Ablative –80%) [+5]; Recovery [+10]; High Pain Treshold [+10]
Targeting System [+40]
Scanning Sense: Ladar (Targeting Only –40%) [+12]; Night Vision 3 [+3]; Gunslinger [+25]
Combat Optimized [+70]
ST+5 [+50]; Talons (Armor Divisor 2 +50%) [+12]; HP+4 [+8]

c) Ninja-Cyborg [+140]
Ninjas are cool. Cyborgs are cool. A ninja-cyborg is όber-cool :) This option tries not to look as inhuman as other cyborg packages, with limited success. This shouldn't be a problem - Ninjas are never seen, anyway.
Appearance: Hideous [-16]
Stealth Systems [+37]
Obscure 5: Radar, IR (+20%; Defensive +50%; Stealthy +100%) [+27]; Silence 2 [+10]
Virus-Carrier [+29]
Affliction 2 HT-1 (Seizures +100%, Cybernetic Only –50%, either Reverse Blood Agent or Telecommunication (Radio or Laser) –20%x-40%=-08%) [+29]
Optical Package [+25]
Dark Vision [+25]
Infiltrator [+20]
Clinging [+20]
Weapon System: Dragons Breath [+25]
Burning Attack 5d (Jet +0%; Incendiary +10%; Takes 5 seconds Recharge –10%) [+25] (Note: Actually a mouth-mounted plasma gun)
Comm Unit [+20]
Telecommunication/Laser [+15]; Alt: Telecommunication/Radio [+2]; Alt: Telecommunication/Infrared [+2]; Neural Interface [+1]

d) Mining-Borg [+140]
A rather civilian, but quite tough option.
Appearance: Monstrous [-20]
Armored Endoskeleton [+50]
DR5 [+25]; DR5 (Ablative –80%) [+5]; Recovery [+10]; High Pain Treshold [+10]
High Performance-Actuators [+55]
ST+4 [+40]; Lifting ST+5 [+15]
High Performance-Drill [+55]
Tunneling/Slow 2y/min (All-Out –25%) [+5]; Plasma Torch (Pow139) [+50]

e) Psyborg [+140]
Someone thought it would be a good idea to add brain implants to a cyborg which stimulate certain psionically significant areas of the brain. The result is mixed - though the 'borg does develop certain Psi powers, there are severe side effects.
Appearance: Monstrous [-20]
Brain Implants [+50]
ETS (Resistible Backlash: Severe Pain –20%) [+36], Danger Sense (ESP –10%) [+14]
Psi-Powers [+110]
Choose two out of: Psychokinesis, ESP, Telepathy, Psychic Vampirism – you get Talent 1 und 50 CP to spend for each. All psionics must have - in addition to the Psi-10% power modifier - either Resistible Backlash: Severe Pain (-20%) or RB: Hallucinations (-25%).

f) Null-Psyborg [+140]
In order to provide a countermeasure for the Psyborg. Stimulate other areas of the brain, and you get a walking, talking Psi-Impeder. The EMP was just added for good measure.
Appearance: Monstrous [-20]
Brain Implants [+75]
ETS (Resistible Backlash: Severe Pain –20%) [+36], Danger Sense (ESP –10%) [+14]; Recovery [+10]; Intuition [+15]
Antipsi-Powers [+55]
Antipsi-Talent 1 and 50 CP in Antipsi (Antipsi +0%)
Weapon System [+30]
EMP-Shock: Burning Attack 4d (No Wounding –50%; No Incendiary Effect –10%; Surge +20%; Reduced Range /2 –10%; Rapid Fire 10 +100%) [+30]
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