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Old 01-05-2019, 03:57 AM   #6
DreadDomain's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: GURPS Supers Alternatives

Naloth, this is excellent. GURPS is perhaps my favorite rule set and 4th it's best incarnation but if there is something I would have hoped it would have done better is scaling of ST/HP/DR/dmg.

KYOS brings, I believe, the right progression but it only covers part of the issues and to be honest, every times I thought about expanding it to offer a complete solution to provide a Super lens to the rules, it ended up being to much work and I just used HERO who would do it out of the box. FRom what you wrote, it seems to have done a lot of the work, including selecting house rules that are appropriate for the genre. Here are a few other questions:

1) Part of the work is to rewrite equipment and vehicle within the KYOS framework. Have you redone the weapon tables or are you translating on the fly?

2) Superheroes are often super competent in a broad range of topics. Do you use a mix of normal skills and wildcard skills or have you reduce the skill list so hyper competent heroes would end up with a number of skills that is more manageable?

3) Regarding Slams, do you use the Dungeon Fantasy variant? If so, I suspect you would use the +damage modifier only once instead of per die.

4) Do you use IT:DR at all or is it banned?

5) Regarding Spider-Man, I believe Climbing Line and Swinging should be part of the webshooters (but that's debatable). Have you tested the character against himself? It looks likes it is going to be a dodge fest until one connects and then it's over (ok, maybe not, at 5d+2 and HP 15 it will likely send him into negative and stun him but he probably won't be knocked out with HT 13 and Very Fit). I suppose this is the effect you are going for?

6) I see Susan has Hard to Kill, how to you deal with death? Do you use the normal rules or something else?

7) Regarding Absorption, do you feel that 1 point fading each turn leads to a bit too much bookkeeping?

By the way, keep the characters coming, this is great!
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