Thread: Zombie Strength
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Old 02-13-2019, 12:11 AM   #9
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Zombie Strength

It would help to specify some limiting details, such as:

* A zombie might respond to damage like it's original body's ST would indicate, so even a crazy-high-power human zombie could still at least be knocked down with 8 points of damage.

* The damage needed to cripple limbs with Aimed Shots could still be based on original living ST, so you could still cut the limbs off a crazy-high-ST zombie halfling as if it were still a halfling not a bear.

* Maybe any amount of ST can be put into the zombie for purposes of it resisting decay and dispelling via damage, but the max ST for purposes of doing things like wielding weapons, carrying things, and making ST rolls, could still be limited based on some factor of original ST, whether it's 1x, 2x, or 1.5x or whatever.
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