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Old 05-14-2009, 02:57 PM   #11
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Ronkonkoma, NY
Default Re: [FAQ] Section 0. Before you start using GURPS . . .

Originally Posted by Molokh
  • S/he is well-defined. (Comic and movie characters are often portrayed inconsistently, and thus are hard to write up in RPG terms.)
  • She has no 'infinite' abilities. (Infinite power has infinite price, and basically can't be built in GURPS. It's more complicated than that, but this should suffice for a beginner.)
The grammarian in me cringes at your inconsistent and politically correct pronouns. Use it instead of she and the nonexistent s/he. If it is not acceptable, use he.

The point budget is sufficient and the GM allows the needed traits. (You still can't play an ancient vampire in a gritty/realistic WWII game.)
That confused me at first. If GURPS is so flexible, why can't I run a realistic WWII game with vampires? Then I realized you mean the GM could set that limitation. Consider making this a quotation: "No, you still can't play an ancient vampire in my realistic World War II game!"

many supplements - primarily the crunchbooks and genrebooks, but also setting books
You are making up words here, and this is bad for a beginners' introduction. You should define the terms crunch book, genre book, and setting book (notice the spaces) before you use them.

If it is listed in an official book doesn't mean you'll get it!
Players: don't expect that you're allowed to use whatever you want.
GMs: only allow stuff that is appropriate for your game's style, genre and setting.
More grammar corrections:
Just because it is listed in an official book doesn't mean you'll get it.
Players: Don't expect to be allowed to use whatever you want.
GMs: Only allow stuff that is appropriate to your game's style, genre, and setting.

Character concepts aren't portable!
I disagree with this idea, but others have addressed it already.

GURPS chargen can be intimidating, but this 'front-loading' is done up to speed up the game after chargen.
Others have pointed out that chargen is jargon that may not be familiar to someone new. Spell it out: character generation.
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