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Old 08-13-2015, 08:22 AM   #4
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Default Re: GURPS: Remnant: Fan-made rules for adventuring in the world of RWBY

I don't have time to make a complete response right now, but I have run a GURPS-based RWBY game pretty successfully, there are a few things I'd do differently on a second run through, but most things I'd keep the same.

I treated Aura as somewhere between Ablative and Semi Ablative, making it deplete by 1 for every 4 points of damage. If I did it again, I'd make it fully ablative and give students a lot more. I also made it Flexible, and I don't regret that decision, students in the setting often seem to take damage from crushing blows without having their Aura fully depleted.

Aura clearly grants additional ST, I represented this as levels of Lifting and Striking ST with a -20% Limitation which tied it to Aura, so that as Aura depleted, the ST bonus reduced. This was fairly messy, and resulted in having to recalculate damage in the middle of combat, I wouldn't advise it.

For Semblances I just gave players a maximum of 100 points to spend on powers (no Power Modifier, if I ran it again I'd come up with one). Some Semblances should probably have a Costs Aura Limitation, I'd probably price it the same as Costs HP, for -10% per level.

I also made the players build their signature weapons as Advantages, again imposing a cap of 100 points. I have no regrets on that decision, but I'd probably come up with some more comprehensive house rules to make the process easier, as that's the section that the players struggled with most.

EDIT: Now I think about it, the ability of Aura to soak up damage might be best represented as Vitality Reserve, seen here in the GURPS FAQ.

Last edited by Wavefunction; 08-13-2015 at 08:43 AM.
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