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Old 04-25-2019, 11:15 AM   #19
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Buffalo, New York
Default Re: Cracking water in TRAVELLER

Originally Posted by whswhs View Post
I don't see why it would do the former. If the cost of a jump is proportional to mass, and it doesn't make any difference if the mass takes up 1000 cubic meters or 10,000—why make any effort to economize on room? Any time a little extra space would make things easier, you just design it in.
I wasn't thinking along the lines of volume per se, but that in general, the larger ships tend to become more massive. If I'm to avoid the issues of ships being able to zip along lickety split - I need to have something similar to the limitations imposed by the original Traveller.

As I pointed out in a GURPS SPACESHIP thread elsewhere - I'd like to see it happen where the smaller ships by mass/volume end up being able to travel slightly faster than average, with larger heavier ships being slowed dramatically. This makes it such that heavy battle fleets are ponderously slow, but when they arrive, they settle things on the spot so to speak.

When you get right down to it, I'm thinking that unconsciously - I'm wishing I could emulate to some extent, the age of sail. Smaller ships can sort of skip along, but the larger ships can pile on more canvas to bear down on the really small ships. Frigates would end up with the sweet spot with both firepower and speed, but still unable to take on a ship of the line.

I largely suspect that Traveller would kind of stink in that kind of environment. :(
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