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Old 08-02-2019, 01:38 PM   #4261
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Location: West Virginia
Default Re: New Reality Seeds


The Edison worlds diverge with major changes in the life of Thomas Alva Edison. In this world( local year 1897), Edison has decided to work with Tesla instead of fighting him, totally averting the War of Currents. This world is somewhat technologically advanced over Homeline in 1897, the full effects have yet to be seen. But Homeline, Centrum, and the Cabal, are all looking elsewhere.

Wilfrid Lauier Canada's first great Prime Minister, (he's not as well remembered as he should be because other events got the lime light) was attacked by an assassin. Luckily, a Native Canadian delegation was visiting Lauier and thwarted the attack. But the would be assassin flew out the window to escape. Flying cyborgs hunting down Canadian PMs is not what you expect on a Q6 world.

Homeline sees the attack as something pulled off by a swagman trying to thwart the development of Canada. The Cabal sees an attack by Midwinter Aton against one of the WWII allies who punched above their weight. The removal of a strong Canada wouldn't win Hitler the war, but it would make life far harder for the allies. Centrum sees the attack as coming from an exotic world-jumper, probably based on Homeline but hostile to their government. Or perhaps (since Centrum sees Homeline as a fraud) a agent of Homeline's real government!

Basically, three groups of agents seeking the answers and trying not to be obvious in 1890's Ottawa.
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