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Old 12-01-2016, 01:45 PM   #72
Join Date: Jul 2007
Default Re: How to fight mages as a TL 7 character?

Originally Posted by Kfireblade View Post
My world dose have some magic (although I am not a mage, I did not wan't to play a mage) And I believe my arrival has been obscured by the fact they have a barrier that separates world i'm going to from the rest of everything else. I'm actually going in to destroy that, and make sure it dose not get rebuilt
I suppose it depends on the nature of divination, and if the Archmage's world has access to your homeworld. Even if you, being from another world, won't be divinable, I suspect a city being wiped off the map or the death of a major political figure will be picked up. It's a lot more likely that the event of the death/destruction are in prophesy, while you aren't...until you cross over. You'll get picked up during the daily planning divination.

The barrier provides a solution to "hide until ready to strike". It makes locating the target more difficult, and you'll need to be able to project your strike across the barrier.

However, given that the attack comes from a TL7 society with access to not only know about the other major hurdles, but there are a variety of mass market paperbacks detailing exciting adventurous plots about assassinations and the like (baring press restrictions). No doubt your HomeWorld has a lot of the same precautions in place that the Archmage would, and methods to deal with them. Examining the successful major assassinations of your own world is probably the best place to start.
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