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Old 02-04-2011, 09:53 AM   #17
Not another shrubbery
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: GURPS impulse purchases

Originally Posted by csm View Post
Hello, my name is Craig, and I am a GURPS-aholic.
Hi, Craig!
I realized a while ago that there are books in my GURPS collection that I would not have normally purchased had they not been GURPS books. One that springs to mind is GURPS WWII. Honestly, WWII does not even interest me in even the remotest sense. I own a copy of Axis and Allies, but would be hard pressed to even get the strength to bring it up from the basement, let alone pull out the pieces to play it. I don't keep track of which battles occurred when, and frankly my eyes glaze over whenever someone mentions WWII. However, I saw the book at my local FLGS, and after leafing through it, I had to have it.

Crusades? Couldn't care less, but GURPS - Crusades? Yes, please.

Same with Old West, Special Ops, and even Supers.

I started reading the Vorkosigan Saga series because of the GURPS book.

What are some of the books that you've bought for no other reason than they're a GURPS treatment of the subject, that you wouldn't have bought if they were another RPG product, or even just a regular book on the subject?
I'm an incorrigible completist when it comes to GURPS, so there are quite a few items that I have picked up over the years that I would not have bought if they didn't have that familiar acronym on the cover. Happily, I have gotten at least some use from the bulk of them. Most recently, the Vorkosigan Saga book was one that I did my usual quick first read of, then placed it on the shelf with the other 4E hardbacks. It seems like it will fall into the unfortunate minority :(
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