Thread: Flat Black
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Old 08-29-2013, 08:08 AM   #59
Join Date: Jan 2006
Default Re: Flat Black

I can imagine a graduated series of cusses using the "D#" terminology.

"My little deetee" (D3) translates roughly as "rapscallion." It is humorous exaggeration to imply a youngster is so chaotically energetic that they are a small natural disaster. A larger natural disaster of a child, or 'deefer,' is less affectionate and more exasperated. Applied to events, it implies manageable annoyance. "This deetee computer" causes lots of trouble, while "the deefer enviro plant" is more trouble than it is worth and should be replaced.

"A real deezix" (D6) is roughly equivalent to "A right bastard."

"That's dettin awful" (D10) is not fit for company. Implies a CT strike on a high tech colony.

"Deefinity" is either beyond the pale or back into the realm of humorous exaggeration. Possibly both.
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