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Old 09-11-2018, 11:59 PM   #16
David Johnston2
Join Date: Dec 2007
Default Re: Young Character Adventure Seeds

A larger girl takes a dislike to our heroine and wants to "teach the elf-blood her place". Run or fight?

Having found a private place for herself, our heroine is placed in the position of overhearing the plot of two rather dull-witted adults to break into the house of a friendly old woman.

The community's children are being stalked by a vampire that prefers young blood. The adults think it's a disease and anything the children report is just their imagination, and it is left to our heroine to figure what the mysterious nocturnal figure was, and where the vampire's lair is from the fact that animals steer well clear of it.

Our heroine must deal with being targeted by a creepy spirit-possessed doll.

Our heroine discovers a nearly dead man in the forest who has nearly been whipped to death, but when she goes back she discovers that there's a minor noble and several retainers being hosted by the community who appear to be looking for a missing bond-servant.
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