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Old 02-15-2020, 03:21 PM   #1
Jo Flan
Join Date: Jan 2020
Default Some Stupid Questions

I realize a lot of this seems like common sense, but these were questions that came up during my game.

When a Wizard uses Charm; if you have 5 cards in your hand, do you only have to discard 3 or all 5 to use the ability? Someone tried to Charm a Monster and they had 5 cards in their hand. They claimed the card stated he only needed to discard 3 cards, not his whole hand.

If you have an item in play and unequipped; can you return it to your hand at any point? The same person later on tried again to Charm a Monster and only had 2 cards in their hand. So they tried to return a card from in-play to their hand in order to use the ability.

We then had an argument where they tried arguing "Where does it say you can't do that" and "Why wouldn't they let you do that?" I said I could look up the rules but I'm fairly certain no card game let's you return cards back to your hand just because you want to.

In regards to Steeds; I know the rule for "Big Items" is that you can't just discard one in order to play another one. Does this apply to Steeds as well? Also, when you have the Dwarf card; can you hold a Steed as unequipped since you're allowed two Big items?

I know these seem like stupid questions but I'm just wondering if I could get some clarification because apparently there seems to be some confusion among my group of friends.
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