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Old 12-19-2012, 04:25 AM   #20
Prince Charon
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Default Re: Five Earths, All in a Row

Originally Posted by Stix4armz View Post
Wow. Just wow.

This is great man! I'd love to play in this type of setting, its definitely different from anything else I've seen.
Thanks you.
Originally Posted by Stripe View Post
Tell me about it. Let's storm SJG with torch and pitchfork and demand a 100,000-word limit! :)

Epic post, man!
Thank you, as well. Yeah, a 100,000 word limit would have made this vastly easier. Also, fairly epic post of your own, in the linked thread.

Trying to work out the mechanics of damaging spirits (third paragraph in this post, not counting the crunch note). Was thinking that you treat Will as ST, using the Damage Table on pB16. Use the Thrust column if you aren't experienced at applying your Will in this manner, and the Swing column if you are (probably a perk in need if a name); this alters the base damage of the Astral Sword ability (Psionic Powers p28), but otherwise leaves it unchanged - though since it's designed for attacking astral beings, use the Swing Damage column.

The spirit's Hit Points are likewise based on its Will.

Does that work? Not sure how to define the stats for the 'banished or destroyed if fetish is destroyed' disad, but most likely, someone already has something close enough.

Also, anyone out there with a lot of experience in the IW setting, care to let us know how the various parachronic factions would react to this skerry (if I'm using that term right)? One thing I'm pretty sure of is that the Cabal is going to be rather annoyed that the Decans of Hermetic Astrology are semi-public information on Steampunk Earth, and fairly easily available (at least in a very basic and abbreviated form) on OTL Earth, by just buying a copy of GURPS Thaumatology (sure, it isn't going to make you an expert in the slightest sense, but it's a place to start, especially for people whose Ritual style is based on GURPS). Many of the mystery guilds on Dieselpunk Earth (GURPS Voodoo: The Shadow War should help you imagine them) probably won't be happy about it, either.

Speaking of gamers developing Ritual Magic styles, I would say that the forms the rituals take are in many cases likely to involve sheets of paper, pencils, dice, sometimes figures and counters, and sacrificial soda and nachos... mind you, some roleplayers really get into the role enough to work out what their characters are actually doing in a fair bit of detail, so their styles are likely to be more 'mystical-looking'.

Warning, I have the Distractible and Imaginative quirks in real life.

"The more corrupt a government, the more it legislates."
-- Tacitus

Five Earths, All in a Row. Updated 12/17/2022: Apocrypha: Bridges out of Time, Part I has been posted.
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