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Old 01-14-2020, 04:54 PM   #4
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: How much did the labyrinth of doom cost to dig?

Originally Posted by hcobb View Post
Can an Earth/Rock elemental roam freely through solid rock to find weak points? (and retrieve items?)
Are not earth elementals solid? I'm not remembering or seeing any indication that they can do anything other than walk around in open spaces like other solid figures.

You could cast Insubstantiality on them, but you might want to do that to something that can also talk to you.

Because, I also don't see any indication that elementals have the ability to speak.

But it is a clever notion in general. They might nonetheless have some sort of rapport and knowledge with the earth around them that might let them know some useful information about the earth, and you might try communicating with them with Telepathy, though I wouldn't classify them as humanoid for that purpose, and it would be up to the GM how well any of that might work.

I think there would tend to be an issue with you wanting some sort of directional coordinates that you could use, and them having a hard time relating to that, but if the GM were being generous with all of the other open questions about that, I suppose you could try a question like "is there any gas or weak or loose rock in that direction, closer to here than that corner in the tunnel is far away from here?" and hope it understands what you mean.
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