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Old 03-08-2018, 11:45 PM   #77
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Brighton
Default Re: Buried alive - Need Help

Originally Posted by hal View Post
Dumb question:

How do spiders bite stone?

What I'm envisioning here is that the spiders have the ability to SPIT the venom instead of it being a follow up attack. But if they can't bite the stone, how can they inject it with venom?
The way I see it is initially they are not penetrating the stone's surface (in GURPS terms beating it's DR). But instead since it's acid* and not venom and the acid is left on the stone the acid is than weakening the stone enough that eventually it's weak enough for the bite to get into the structure of the stone, and really the reduction of DR down to 3 is not the stone's armoured surface being deleted, but the overall structure being affected.

TBH the DR/HP split in a homogeneous structure is a bit arbitrary here in terms of distinct things, its really just away to model a resistant material in the system!

Ultimately though we are talking about a spider that's got a 7' body, and ST26 it's a bit of a beast!

And it's DF! (ie we start bringing realistic zoology in, this thing collapses under it's own weight and suffocates long before it moults into its final 7' form)

As per my point earlier about liking the dungeon fantasy ecology here, I can can actually see a colony of such spiders doing well in an underground environment as they will (slowly) be able to shape their environment though this method. In fact if we're wondering how this apparently massive and featureless cavern came about, it may well be partly due to the work of a large colony of acid spiders over a long period of time!

*it is a pretty fantasy acid as well!

Last edited by Tomsdad; 03-09-2018 at 02:32 AM.
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