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Old 05-27-2013, 03:22 AM   #1
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Default [Action 2:Exploits] BAD and ACT?

I'm trying to wrap my head completely around this system, and it seems simple and fast-paced.

But I have a question about ACT: It is a bonus the PCs can accumilate to counteract the BAD. But the description is somewhat vague on GURPS Action 2: Exploits p17, referring only to the Big Picture, the Plan and Permission to ACT.
Shouldn't the prep-work reduce the BAD during execution of the plan?

Also, there are many fine hints as how to run fact-finding and social engineering etc, for the prep-work. But how much ACT is gained by each scene playes? Any rules, or just GM fiat? I see that failure means an excuse for a fight, chase, or otherwise a tip-off of the bad guys that the heroes are coming. But for a succes? It it simply a drive towards the next plot development?
Playing GURPS since '90, is now fluent in 4th ed as well.
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