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Old 10-29-2009, 10:10 AM   #11
GURPS Line Editor
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Montréal, Québec
Default Re: GURPS Community Campaign & Adventure Repository

Campaigns with websites:
Dawn of Magic. A TL2/3 fantasy campaign set in an imaginary world where all the cultures were modeled on real-world ones, if improbably distributed and modified. The central premise was that the gods kept redoing creation to clean up after inter-planar wars between their reality and another universe with dark, life-sucking gods. Except that this kept getting screwed up by the gods' imperfections, enemies . . . and creations, especially wizards. The PCs came into this situation as creations of such wizards: purpose-built heroes for breaking the cycle. Not that they knew this for 80% of the campaign! The campaign ended when the PCs successfully rallied their world's armies in a massive battle to crush the extra-planar invaders and slam the door on them for good. One of my players had a site for it here, while the last 30 or so game sessions (out of nearly 300 played over almost 7 years) are recapped on my blog here.

The Company. A TL8 semi-realistic black-ops campaign set in the real world. The central premise is that some mysterious planner managed to unite a group of wealthy, powerful people against corporate corruption, organized crime, piracy, state-sanctioned oppression, and terrorism. These people worked silently and secretly to set up a cutout organization known as "the Company." The Company recruits cops, spies, and soldiers; the occasional technical expert; and even a few reformed gangsters. These Agents are sworn to secrecy, given funds and equipment very indirectly through handlers, and sent out in teams to fight the things that the Company was created to oppose. The One Impossible Thing is that the Company could exist, and do so in secrecy; things like being shot and carrying guns in public are handled realistically. So far, 18 sessions are recapped in 17 posts to my blog here.
Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch <>
GURPS Line Editor, Steve Jackson Games
My DreamWidth [Just GURPS News]
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