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Old 07-05-2019, 01:07 AM   #1
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Default T-Bone's falling article & Hit Location


I just read T-Bone's falling article, but I think the amount of falling damage fits the Cliffhanger campaign I play ok - we're not looking to make it worse.

But how to apply the damage, where to apply it?
Do people just do plain generic damage, or do you roll Hit Locations?
I remember asking years and years ago, and IIRC someone claimed statistics from ER staff of injury distribution looking a lot like the spread of GURPS' hot location.

Now if I rolled hot location for falling damage I'd have to do some interpretations of the results. Hand and feet make little sense to limit the damage to, so I'd propably rule that hand=arm and foot=leg. Any torso results I'd just apply generecially to torso, I wouldn't bother with distinctions or sublocations for effects for groin or vitals. Face might need to be treated as skull, since I don't see how smaking your face into the pavement won't also affect your brain.

But what about the damage "lost" when reachign Crippling damage for a limb? It seems odd that somene falling 20 stories and hits his leg gets off with just a broken leg, nor worse than the guy falling 4 stories. None of these guys would be even close to rolling for death, because HP/2 is all they take, 25% of the amount needed for a death roll.

I'm thinking I could apply as much of the rolled damage as I can to the rolled location. If it's a limb, the remaining damage is applies to a new location. Repeat until all damage is distributed.
Or, more simple, if the first location can't take it all, apply the rest to torso
Playing GURPS since '90, is now fluent in 4th ed as well.
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