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Old 08-19-2017, 09:37 AM   #1
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Starfinder thoughts

I recently received my pre-ordered copy of Paizo's Starfinder and have finished (more or less) my first pass. I thought I might share my observations and provide a place for others to do the same.

I am also bearing in mind Mr Hackard's sticky note about game system flamage and am trying to run everything I am writing through the "mild-mannered" filter. There were some .... problematic decisions made IMHO during this game's creation.

First the obvious, this is a SF/Space Opera game system based on Paizo's Pathfinder RPG, itself a semi-major revision of the D&D 3.5 SRD. It features both ultra-tech and magic used side by side and blended.

However, it might not look that much like a closely related version of Pathfinder. Probably less so than the D20 Star Wars compared to 3.5.

There are a number of major rules changes. For example Starfinder characters have both Hit Pts and "Stamina Pts" With the first being sort of what you're used to and Stamina being like HP (and taken from first) but refreshing after a 10 minute rest (sort of 5e like).

Neither is rolled and unlike the D20 SW (and other systems)both increase by about the same amount every level. HP aren't really much harder to recover than in regular PRPG either.

There are also "Resolve Pts" which are a limited/special resource sort of thing and I'm not quite sure what I think of them yet.

My major issues may have to do with how Starfinder decided to address the "level" problem seen in some class-and-level SF games. It has decided to address these issues by embracing the level mechanic with a deep and fervid passion.

The main place this might be seen be seen is the Equipment section. IMHO equipment sections are extremely important for all SF games and Starfinder's novel contribution to these is to give all equipment a level of its' own.

This restricts which equipment PCs will be able to buy. Merchants will not sell you a piece of equipment more than 1 level higher than your own in most locations or 2 levels in a major "city".

I have not seen where your PCs level is tattooed on his forehead or what causes his money to become unpersuasive in some situations but apparently this is so. I absolutely do not have an adequate supply of handwavium to explain this to any group I would be running for.

A second level-based issue I have is the way gear has been "leveled". That is to say even mundane gear has been given stats such that 20th level PCs will be buying vastly more expensive gear than 1st level types but also vastly more capable. This will be in rough proportions to how magic items advance in both areas. I think laser pistols go from 1D4 to 8D4 and 350 credits to 245,200 credits. Yeah, I don't know why they didn't round off the 200. There must be a formula somewhere.

There is also an issue here that low level gear that PCs could start out with is usually not very good at all. I look at that 1D4 laser pistol and wonder "why doesn't a 1st level PC through knives instead?". Then after looking I find that apparently knives can not be thrown in Starfinder.

A "starknife" (think Xena's chakram with dagger blades welded on to it) can be thrown (if not carried safely). Shurikens can be thrown too but they require the Exotic Weapon Profiency Feat (no, starknives don't). So do bows. Ah, spears can still be thrown and aren't exotic. I'm starting to try and think of reasons why a 1st level PC would not go around with a quiver of spears on his back (no, no such thing as a javelin).

The second major "money" issue" is that starships can not be bought for money. Or sold for it either. At all, I have seen no credit-based prices even for captured ships.

starships are built with Build Pts and the PC group receives a set amount of these based on the Average Party Level. Yes, you receive a new amount of those every time the group advances. No, large parties do not receive more though they don't pay more for more crew cabins either.

Eh, I'll stop now for awhile. there's a good bit more that could be discussed and it isn't all bad but I tire right now.
Fred Brackin
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