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Old 12-03-2018, 10:05 AM   #4
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: How do you play TFT?

We have played several different play styles in TFT (& GURPS), but mapped tactical combat is to me like the foundation of the game, and playing out combats is to me one of the main attractions and fun/interesting things about playing.

Fun combat-only styles:
* Arena situations
* Setting up a combat/action situation and seeing how it plays out.
* Experimental situations

Fun low-RP styles:
* Microquests
* GM'd combat & context "cut scene" interludes & adjustments, with a few between-combat choices available.
* GM'd microquest-like play
* Arena campaigns
* Political / intrigue situation campaigns - You start out with an established conflict and goals in a campaign setting, and mainly just focus on that. (e.g. hostile nobles or wizards or guild factions) Resolve the choices like campaign map movements, use of magic, raising troops, hiring mercenaries, use of supplies, and combats, but are doing little/no roleplaying out interactions.

High-RP is what I've mostly run and played, however. Detailed mapped homebrew campaign worlds with and mostly sandbox play where players can and do mostly develop their own interests and can decide where to go and what to do. But mapped tactical combat is still a main focus of play (and the main conceit that is allowed not to be particularly consistent or logical, is that there tend to be many opportunities for combat).
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