Thread: The One Ring...
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Old 12-12-2006, 06:08 PM   #27
David Johnston
Join Date: Oct 2006
Default Re: The One Ring...

Originally Posted by Agemegos
I've often wondered about the same thing. The Ring didn't make Bombadil invisible. However, it did make Isildur invisible at the Battle of the Gladden Fields, and inconspicuousness was hardly his strong suit.
The Ring didn't make Sauron invisible either and there's a reason for that. The ring's "invisibility" actually consists of shifting you part of the way into a kind of spiritual plane or shadow world. That's why when Frodo donned it, it didn't hide him at all from the wraiths but instead let them see him clearly and vice versa. They primarily live in the shadow world. If one of them were to don the ring it would return them to a physical body, dewraithing them. Sauron and Bombadil on the other hand were both fully present in the physical and spiritual senses.

Of course it wouldn't have any reaction to Magery, because there is no such thing as Magery in Middle Earth. "Magic" in TLOTR is the function of innate divinely sourced gifts, and gadgets. Both are most appropriately designed with powers. The Ring for example is a repository of much of Sauron's "divine essence". He put his power into the ring because it was only thus that he could avoid the ongoing decline of his point total (which was of course part of the ongoing decline of the world as a whole).

So if you were a big cheese, what could you do with the Ring? Well the first thing you could probably do is Telecommunication with any of the wearers of the lesser rings and domination of the ones with a Will inferior to yours. This works best on humans and ringwraiths of course. It would probably boost your already considerable reaction bonuses from appearance, charisma and Voice especially versus any of the critters of darkness. (Thus for example Frodo could considerably multiply his reaction bonus versus Gollum).
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