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Old 04-26-2008, 07:42 AM   #4
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Default Re: The effect on longevity on politics

Originally Posted by Urban
On the other hand people might consider decisions that takes decades to implement or give any profit, instead of today's rush to maximize profit.
That only seems likely to happen for certain types of decisions and only then when you are already comfortably off and in control. In other words to those who are smart and either rich or powerful and who therefore can put a level of abstraction/insulation between themselves and the poorer and rapidly changing world. This also applies to the fifth wave nations over the fourth and third wave nations.

That is part of what makes up the message of Broken Dreams "Moving faster and still falling behind".

Overall this does seem to apply to career politicians. So the question seems to be will politicians be able to take a step back from short term vested interest politics for the long view. Will they be able to make a decision now that will make them more likely to be re-elected in 20 years time rather than in 1-4 years time?

I don't see a mechanism in the worlds democratic political systems that will support that. Maybe we need to elect people for longer terms of office to keep in step with longer life-spans and longer decision payback times? Whatever, the feedback mechanism needs to be in sync with the behaviors we want to encourage.
Always challenge the assumptions
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