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Old 01-15-2013, 06:38 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Concord, NC
Default Re: Slightly confused NOOB questions

Originally Posted by Augster View Post
1. Do you have to put an item into play? Can you just keep it in your hand until you need it if you have less than 5 cards? What if I have 2 big items in my hand (of my 5 cards) and one big item, the giant rock say, in play as a human? Is this okay?
Just because you have an item in your hand doesn't mean that you must play it. You can keep it in your hand as long as at the end of your turn you don't exceed the hand size limit. Cards in your hand are not items, so it doesn't matter if you've got 2 "big" items in your hand. You can only have one of them in play though.

Originally Posted by Augster View Post
2. One shot items like potions and other things without a value on the bottom. Can these be put in play in order to bring my total cards down to 5 in my hand? I'd like to keep some things a secret to use from my hand, but if it's a choice between that or discarding to the low player (charity), I'd rather have it out in front of me. There was a wall card I had too. Is that played out in front of me, or do I need to keep it in my hand until I need to use it?
Many one-shot cards are items (they have a gold piece value on them). Those can be played on the table to get them out of you hand, most people turn them sideways like other unused items to remind you that you're not getting their bonuses. There are other cards (such as curses and GUAL cards) which can not be played to the table as items, but may only be used. This includes cards like "wandering monster" as well.

Originally Posted by Augster View Post
3. Kneepads of Allure. Is this an item that you play in front of you and considered armor? Footwear? One shot? And, I think, I have to have it in play in front of me before I start/enter combat. Or can I be losing a combat, put it in play, then make someone help me for the win? Then it stays in play?
The kneepads are an unslotted item, like the spiky knees (you can have both), you must be wearing them before combat to use them, since you can't play normal wearable items while you're in combat. The kneepads stay in play, yes.
Scott K. Ellis
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