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Old 07-19-2019, 11:11 AM   #14
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Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Pisa, Tuscany, Italy
Default Re: New House Rule for Wealth directed at Low Tech

Not to mention that GURPS prices for weapons and armors aren't historically accurate, but rather they're mostly based on "game efficiency". For example in XVI-XVII century Europe, mail armor, though usually "inferior" in protective values, was way more expensive than the average plate armor, because making a mail shirt required more hours of labor than making a plate cuirass. Also, the price gap between swords and hafted weapons should be reduced.

The Wealth levels of GURPS are in fact too restrictive for TL1-TL4 military classes, because them alone don't give in account the equipment and the wealth from spoils of war, heredity, subsidies and gifts from a patron (often an overlord, sometimes the State itself), the wealth accumulated by the family over the years and spent to equip the freemen in order to serve their overlord or their city in case of necessity and other mechanics varying among different times and cultures. So IMO is fine to customize it depending on setting.
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