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Old 02-01-2019, 12:57 AM   #7
Archangel Beth
In Nomine Line Editor
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Frozen Wastelands of NH
Default Re: Can In Nomine be resurrected?

I've got some stuff I could dust off, but remember that even starting up a kickstarter requires there to be enough perceived demand that the local staff wouldn't be having an unfavorable return for salaried time spent on it. Everything done has to be done with an eye to keeping the lights on, after all.

(I'd be tempted to test the waters with In Nomine: Soldiers, which would be a "IN-Lite for Humans" kinda thing that's probably on my hard drive somewhere. Maybe dredge up the IN 3d6 notes I took, see if it converts decently.

Really annoyed I can't find the most-recent Jean partial writeup that I had, though. I think a hard drive crash may've eaten it, which makes me mildly sick.)

I can't really think that there'd be much chance, even with a KS, for something that wasn't PDF-only -- but I don't actually know anything about the POD stuff they've been doing (see GURPS On Demand) or what the profit points are on it.

It's sorta like Limbo: gotta have enough Essence to make a vessel to get out.
Shamelessly adding Superiors: Lilith, GURPS Sparrials, and her fiction page to her .sig (the latter is not precisely gaming related)
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