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Old 01-16-2019, 06:10 AM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: What could a scientist in my Star Wars RPG be researching?

Are are the PCs, and in this case (more importantly) going to care what the scientist is researching? I can see why you're having trouble coming up with a topic if you've already ruled out everything cool-sounding, relatable from other SF background, or characteristic of Star Wars (like droids or the Force). Those EU authors were hard at work mining out the available territory.

Suppose the scientist is just measuring the effect of solar spectrum on algae growth rates from Core to Rim, or an archaeologist looking for details to solve the long-standing question of exactly which ruler it was sitting on the throne as the "Middle King" 2700 years ago on the backwater world Wherevera? The exact topic is either an important plot point or a background color detail for the NPC, and that choice tends to influence the choice of subject matter.

If the research is a plot point, then maybe considering your themes might help you choose something appropriate.
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