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Old 05-03-2015, 11:06 AM   #5
Night Watchman
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Cambridge, UK
Default Re: [Basic] Skill of the week: Expert Skill

Originally Posted by Fred Brackin View Post
Frowned at it wondering how I'm supposed to decide what's a "real" Skill in it's own right and what's just a partial substitute for several other Skills.
As best I can tell, if it's something that really doesn't come under any existing skill, then it's a new non-Expert skill. If it's something that overlaps with several existing skills, and is about knowing, rather than doing stuff, it's an Expert Skill. If it overlaps with several existing skills, and you can do stuff with it, it's a wildcard, or a matter of learning several skills, possibly with specialisations.

To use the Egyptology example, someone who has learned most or all of Archaeology, Anthropology, History, Linguistics and Occultism with appropriate specialisations or familiarities for ancient Egypt may be hard for a non-expert to tell from someone who's spent fewer points on the same skill level in Expert Skill (Egyptology). I'd suspect that the chap with the large set of real skills is likely to cite a lot more primary sources, and will also be much more use which you find yourself transported to ancient Egypt.
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