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Old 02-24-2012, 01:48 AM   #18
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Udine, Italy
Default Re: GURPS WWII: Their Finest Hour

Originally Posted by johndallman View Post
Another interesting character, and one who raises a question. All of these PCs have disadvantages that tend to make them "outsiders", not fitting into a normal military unit. Is this deliberate, or coincidental?
It was not deliberate. However, the players helped each other with the character concepts. Understandably, everybody wanted plenty of Disadvantages for the additional points they afford; but nobody wanted crippling physical Disadvantages, of course.

As you'll have understood by the fact that the campaign veered towards a Monster Hunters feeling (maybe the first book of that series wasn't even out, but the "feeling" of course already existed), a couple of the players liked one of the key concepts of that kind of fiction: that you need at least a half-monster to catch a monster. So several of the characters were at least misfits, if not true half-bloods like the half-fae pilot, David.

Add that one of the campaign's assumptions is that magic, monsters etc. are a secret; even while top government officials and shady agencies employ those and more for their war objectives, they keep their population at large in the dark. If this was a WWII-IST crossover, you could still have some normal people loathing supers, but the supers would be a known quantity and most of the people would accept them. But this was not the case here.

Anyway, while most of the characters would find it hard to operate in a normal unit... luckily for them, they did not have to!
Michele Armellini
GURPS Locations: St. George's Cathedral
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