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Old 11-03-2017, 08:31 PM   #56
Join Date: Feb 2016
Default Re: [Basic] Advantage of the Week: Ambidexterity

I tend to have my combat characters always purchase Ambidexterity (at 5 points, it does not make any sense to not purchase the advantage). Not only does it make Dual-Weapon Attack feasible with a Skill level 20, it also means that you are not screwed over if one of your hands is crippled from damage.

As for the unarmed combat rules, it makes perfect sense that you would use each hand equally well because every martial art that I have studied trained every limb until they performed equally well, though sometimes they over train the off-hand. In my case, I am right-handed, but my left arm is stronger and more accurate when it comes to punching because I over trained my off-hand during my youth in order to gain an advantage during tournaments against people who expected right-handed attacks (I did the same thing with my left leg). Any martial artists who depends on just their dominant hand is going to be at a massive disadvantage in sparing, tournaments, etc.
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