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Old 10-23-2018, 03:00 PM   #758
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Default Re: New Sci Fi Setting Seeds

Originally Posted by Astromancer View Post
The Visitation
The Lurjahri aren't politically unified but they tend to form tough aggressive communities. They prefer temperate well-watered lands, especially good farmlands attract them. The humans that live on these lands are generally treated as annoying pests or dangerous wild animals. As the Lurjahri know that humanity can fight back and they need humans as trade partners, for now, they can be diplomatic. But they are brutally land hungry and have little or no empathy with non-members of their groups/societies.

The Lurjahri tend to be unable to understand/comprehend democracies. They'll avoid them except in warfare where they'll gladly attack them. Dictatorships and highly authoritarian societies they tend to respect.

The Lurjahri dislike diplomacy, they prefer either warfare or isolation, although limited trade along traditional routes is acceptable. The Lurjahri are somewhat disturbed by how developed Earth's diplomatic traditions and trade networks are. Similarly, the fact that there are Laws of War which can cause people to be guilty of War Crimes is slightly crazy to them. The Lurjahri tend to see genocide as a pragmatic way to deal with persistent foes and are offended that it is seen as an obscene crime by Earthfolk. The Lurjahri take prisoners of war as slaves. The idea of an "Honorable Surrender" is stranger to them than it was to the Imperial Japanese. Like Antebellum American Southerners, the very suggestion that slavery isn't a noble and virtuous institution is offensive and disgusting.

Within their communities, Lurjahri can be considerate and respectful. Insolence, in the sense of rudeness or other disrespectful treatment to those weaker than you, is inconceivable. As quick and brutal as the Lurjahri are to exploit real and perceived weaknesses of others outside their communities, they would feel overwhelming shame and guilt if they exploited the weak within their communities. Human failings in this regard deeply shock the Lurjahri.

Once the Lurjahri begin to understand Earth's cultures they will tend to attack any and all Earth's customs that differ from theirs as either corruption, decadence, or hypocrisy. The Lurjahri will use Earth's various political and cultural languages and forms to do the attacking.
Per Ardua Per Astra!

Ancora Imparo
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