Thread: TFT Defense
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Old 01-09-2018, 07:12 AM   #4
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Tyler, Texas
Default Re: TFT Defense

Originally Posted by ak_aramis View Post
I used similar, but made it raw DX 15 and 20, and +5/+10 to any St or Dex requirements for the base.

AdjDX is a problem -because it's not stable.

I'd suggest a Fencing Parry talent - DX 12, IQ 12 - once per turn, may attempt a parry at 3D vs AdjDX to reduce the damage by your weapon. Would be restricted to lighter swords.
I chose the adj13 and adj16 levels because I wanted a typical expert to hit another expert about 50-60% of the time. Same with 2 masters fighting. With the 4d6 and 5d6 curves, this was about right.

EDIT - it really should be adjDX14 and 18. I’d calibrated it on a system that replaced additional dice with -3 modifiers.

I personally despise parry rolls (didn’t like ‘em in Runequest either). As an uncommon talent, your suggestion might be OK for me.

There’s another way to approach it as well. Allow figures to reduce their DX by any amount, and apply this same reduction to all figures attacking them in hand to hand combat. We used this system and it worked pretty well in one short campaign. It will tend to make higher “level” characters much harder to kill by the faceless hordes, but I considered that a Good Thing.

I’d want to play test it hard, though. With the 3d6 bell curve, relatively small adjustments to DX can dramatically change the hit probability.

The reason the defense rule I started the thread with worked was that it was designed to do one thing and while a bit crunchy, it did that one thing very well.

Last edited by tbeard1999; 01-09-2018 at 03:15 PM.
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