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Old 04-19-2017, 08:43 AM   #536
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: [RPM] Post your rituals here

Originally Posted by DeathDaisy View Post
Freleng Door Gag
Because this is a teleportation effect, you need to add Speed equal to the distance traveled by stepping through the portal. I believe you also need to use Range rather than Area of Effect - the latter would be to alter all such portals within the AoE. Area of Effect is still appropriate if the Sense Crossroads effect shows you all of the eligible portals within the AoE so you can choose which you link (although I'd do that as a separate ritual). Greater or Lesser depends on the metaphysics of your setting, but in general I'd go with Greater - as you note, you're basically turning a mundane portal (a doorway) into a magical one (a wormhole of sorts). Because you're affecting the portals themselves, you may need to pay for Subject Weight for the actual portal, but not for what passes through it (if this were instead a Create Crossroads effect, Subject Weight would instead limit the weight of those passing through).

Note my first point means this spell may need to pay up to three (!) times for Range - once each for distance from caster to each of the portals, and once for the distance between the two portals. Personally, I'd simply add the distances together and use that to determine the Speed/Range modifier, but I'm not certain if that's the way you're supposed to do it. For example, let's say you want to use this spell to block off a 15 yard long corridor by linking the two doorways together. The closer doorway is 5 yards from you, thus the further one is 20 yards away. That's 5 yards (2 energy) to one doorway, 20 yards (6 energy) to the other doorway, and 15 yards/second (5 energy) for the distance between them. Instead of adding the energy costs together for +13 energy, I'd add the distances together, for 40 yards and +8 energy.
GURPS Overhaul
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