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Old 07-17-2019, 04:28 PM   #9
khorboth's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Denver, CO
Default Re: Curious Local Customs

Young women wear a scarf to signal they are available for dating. Young men wear one to signal they are taken.

Due to ancient wisdom about ill words sticking in the mouth, any serious conversation is followed by spitting.

In a farming village, men take care of large animals like cattle and pigs while women take care of small animals like goats and chickens. Everybody just seems to know where the line is between "large" and "small"

On this space station, all resources must be reclaimed. The room with the recycling chamber is usually used for food waste, but can be well decorated for funerals. After the body is processed, the total nutrient counts are displayed and then talked about as if the deceased's virtue were somehow related to the amount of water and phosphate given back to the station. NOBODY mentions that one month later a new lottery will be held for who is now permitted to have a baby.

Everybody in town seems to have a necklace of teeth. Human teeth! Children's teeth! Turns out, this is what they do with baby teeth once they fall out. They believe that one should be cremated with one's ENTIRE body, so they keep their original teeth with them always.

Beets are an important part of every meal. EVERY MEAL! Some people strongly believe that you will get sick and die if you skip a few. Stewed beets, dried beets, beet juice... so many beets.
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