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Old 09-26-2019, 07:09 AM   #5
Turhan's Bey Company
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Default Re: Is GURPS good system for cyberpunk

I co-ran a cyberpunk campaign for a while back in 3rd edition days, which I think went pretty successfully. Indeed, the house rules and equipment my group put together led to my first more or less professional involvement with SJ Games.

GURPS will certainly give you extensive equipment lists, and given the deadliness of combat, it carries danger with it. But I find that "feel" and "attitude" are very personal reactions or aspects of the campaign setting rather than the rules proper. If you've played GURPS, you already know how the rules feel, and if you haven't, nobody can tell you what your experience will be. And a lot of your play experience will come from world building rather than the underlying rules engine. One of the things we did, for example, was a lot of branding. Rather than buying generically named equipment from Ultra-Tech, we came up with a bunch of company and product names, so there was a wide range of specifically named weapons based on the item and various measures of quality. One manufacturer produced mostly Cheap items, another more or less standard ones, yet another Fine quality, and so on (say, instead of "heavy pistol, 10mm CLP," a choice of Chiba Arms N-23, Rockwell 10mm, or Kiribati 535C). But since GURPS is a toolkit, adding that kind of flavor is on you. You won't get it from the published text.
I've been making pointlessly shiny things, and I've got some gaming-related stuff as well as 3d printing designs.

Buy my Warehouse 23 stuff, dammit!
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