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Old 09-21-2012, 03:29 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Canada

I was just introduced to the Munchkin game this summer and I got myself Munchkin Impossible and The Good, The Bad, and The Munchkin.

I have a few questions, due to confusion partially caused by the FAQ.

Q. If I'm mixing sets, are Steeds and Vehicles the same thing?
A. For purposes of mixing your Munchkins, yes. Steeds are Vehicles. Vehicles are Steeds. Cards that affect one, affect the other. However, Ships are neither one, even in a blended game.

1. Does Driver's Ed Training provide a +1 to Steeds?

2. Can a Cowboy with a Vehicle Equipped win the game by reaching level 9 (by killing a monster)?

3-5. Can a Vehicle be Smart? Even the Swiss Army Knife? Can Vehicles/ SAK carry the Saddle Bags?

Q. Can I discard my Steed to automatically Run Away like I can with a Hireling?
A. Not unless the card itself says you can.

This seems to contradict the rules, which say "If your Steed gives you a penalty to Run Away, you may discard the Steed before you roll to flee. You don't suffer the penalty, but the Steed card goes to the discard pile."

7. I bolded the word penalty, in this context is it referring to the Bad Stuff, or the minus x to Run Away?

The only Steed in the base TGTB&TM with such a penalty is the Jackass.
Smart says "It is so smart that it won't let you sacrifice it to escape a monster." Implying that it is an option to do so.

8. Is the Jackass the only Steed (I have) that can be sacrificed (or prevented from being sacrificed by being a Smart Ass), or does the FAQ over ride this?

9. If an Item card is normally two handed, but becomes Steam-Powered, does it get the +2 or +3 bonus from having Unlimited Ammo?

10. Can Item modifiers be switched from Item to Item on the owner's turn, outside of combat, or are they locked to the item they are originally placed on? (eg. Incendiary Ammo, Unlimited Ammo, My Grand Pappy's, Steam Powered, Silencer)

11. Does the inclusion of a flame Item in your equipment or the use of a fiery one-shot make your whole combat flame, or just that bonus? This is important for Monsters like Tumbleweed/ Loco Weed (fire attacks do x2) and Killer Jalepeno (immune to fire attacks)

12. The TGTB&TM cards that I have been considering Guns (for Munchkin Impossible compatibility) are: Belt Buckle Gun, Shotgun, Six-Gun, Seven-Gun, Gatling Gun, Derringer, and Blunderbuss. My friend tried to argue that the Civil War Cannon should count as one too. I pointed out the difference between missile weapons and Guns. Can someone here make the official call?

That's all I have for now. Thank you for creating such an addicting, easy to play (and teach) game with such great humour.

I was so disappointed when I saw that Munchkin Impossible expansion April Fools joke!

Oh, I just remembered another one.

13. What is the deal with Undead? Do they do anything other than the Cleric interaction? I've heard they work like the "In Black" cards, where they can freely join eachother, but I can't find any rule on it.

14. Are Traps and Curses always interchangeable, even if a card mentions one by name but not the other (Like Ambush)?

Last edited by AdmirableAdmiral; 09-21-2012 at 04:14 AM.
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