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Old 07-05-2010, 07:24 PM   #3
Join Date: Feb 2007
Default Re: Modern (Action!, Cliffhangers, ___ Ops) Weirdness?

In my world, the setting roughly from 1919 through the present looks pretty much as the real one does, but there are psions running around, some of them immensely powerful, and there are a handful of beings powerful enough to satisfy a munchkinish player (assuming I allowed someone to use one as a PC). There are people in my world who are effectively immortal, as well, or at least who have been around for thousands of years. It's a mix of hard SF and semi-hard science-fantasy, but paranormal powers do exist of such potential scale that they could wreck the world, under the wrong conditions.

There are also some conspiracies going on, some secret societies in play, and they have had their influence on events. However, they don't run the world. Most of what happens is the work and action of ordinary men and women, in the open light. Even the superpowerful, near-immortal psions are flesh and blood, and can be killed by a bullet if somebody is skilled or lucky, and combat is realistically deadly, and sheer luck plays a big part in all events.

I guess you could call it 'gritty soft conspiratorial'.
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