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Old 06-05-2011, 10:36 PM   #11
Mister Ed
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Portland, Oregon
Default Re: Wandering Monster, Wizard, and Trojan Horse = Epic Argument. Help?

Originally Posted by Andrew Hackard View Post
Then you probably should avoid answering rule questions until you print out the most current rules.

I don't say that to be harsh, and I apologize if that's how it comes off, but one of the reasons we updated the rules and hundreds of cards across the entire Munchkin line was to clear up some of the areas that had been misinterpreted before. Quoting those very same misinterpretable rules perpetuates the problem.
Believe me, if I was actually QUOTING from the rules, rather than simply working from my recollection (I have READ the newest rules), I would do so from the newest ones. I try very hard to only answer things when I am fairly certain I know what I'm talking about. And even then, perhaps out of a sense of my lesser length of experience than some here, I sometimes tend to couch my answers in terms that allow for an error on my part. I know I'm not the authority, so I try not to present myself as such.

I guess I'd understand your seeming harshness in this case better had I actually quoted incorrect rules.

My statement about my antique rules sheet was intended more as a humorous response to MM quoting me chapter and verse from the newest version, simply to confirm that, yes, my statement WAS correct.

The last thing I want to do is offend anybody here, much less those in charge. I do, however, admit to some confusion, as my impression thus far is that it was the norm for people to answer rules questions in an attempt to be helpful to other players, when they know the answer. Had I given incorrect information, I would understand the criticism.
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