Thread: On being Feared
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Old 09-17-2018, 03:53 PM   #31
David Johnston2
Join Date: Dec 2007
Default Re: On being Feared

Originally Posted by whswhs View Post
Sure. But what I'm looking at is whether she would have reason to want to stop being Feared, or to manage the fear more effectively in some way. That's going to determine whether the character is motivated to undertake that sort of change, I think. And I don't want to explain it to the player; I want her to be presented with whatever sort of reactions are natural, and see how she takes them. So the question is what the natural reactions are. . . .
Honestly there aren't much in the way of disadvantages from being Feared until it's also associated with other social traits that are less advantageous like "Hunted by inquisitors" or "Watched by the FBI" where losing the Social Regard is the price you pay for evading your enemies. The exception would be a roleplaying thing where a lonely Feared just wants to make a friend or lover without the distance that Regard creates.
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